Alex Ratner

Alex Ratner

Title: Co-founder & CEO
Company: Snorkel AI

Alex Ratner is the co-founder and CEO at Snorkel AI, and an affiliate assistant professor of computer science at the University of Washington. Prior to Snorkel AI and UW, he completed his Ph.D. in computer science advised by Christopher Ré at Stanford, where he started and led the Snorkel open source project. His research focused on data-centric AI, applying data management and statistical learning techniques to AI data development and curation.

Alex's picks

Contrastive Learning boosts Foundation Model specialization

Snorkel AI co-founder and CEO Alex Ratner talks with Ananya Kumar about the work he did on improving the effectiveness of foundation models by using contrastive learning, image augmentations, and labeled subsamples.

January 13, 2023

CRFM’s HELM and enterprise LLM evaluation beyond accuracy

As Snorkel AI prepares to build better enterprise LLM evaluations, we spoke with Yifan Mail from Stanford’s CRFM HELM project.

April 3, 2024

Crossing the demo-to-production chasm with Snorkel Custom

We’re excited to announce Snorkel Custom to help enterprises cross the chasm from flashy chatbot demos to real production AI value.

April 11, 2024

The latest from
Alex Ratner

Walking safely before building flying saucer seatbelts: introducing Enterprise Alignment

Snorkel takes a step on the path to enterprise superalignment with new data development workflows for enterprise alignment

Crossing the demo-to-production chasm with Snorkel Custom

We’re excited to announce Snorkel Custom to help enterprises cross the chasm from flashy chatbot demos to real production AI value.

April 11, 2024

Enterprises must shift their focus from models to data in AI development

Snorkel AI CEO Alex Ratner explains his view on the importance of AI in data development and illustrates his position with two case studies.

February 9, 2024

Data-centric Foundation Model Development: Bridging the gap between foundation models and enterprise AI

Introducing new capabilities for Data-centric Foundation Model Development in Snorkel Flow Powerful new large language or foundation models (FMs) like GPT-3, Stable Diffusion, BERT, and more have taken the AI space by storm, going viral—even beyond technical practitioners—thanks to incredible capabilities around text generation, image synthesis, and more. However, enterprises face fundamental barriers to using these foundation models on real,…

November 17, 2022

Snorkel AI Raises $85m Series C at $1b Valuation for Data-Centric AI

We started the Snorkel project at the Stanford AI lab in 2015 around two core hypotheses:

August 9, 2021

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