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Snorkel for
From improving patient health to clinical trials, Snorkel Flow provides healthcare innovators with a data-centric platform to build custom AI/ML applications powered by programmatic data labeling.

Trusted by world-leading healthcare services companies
AI solutions for healthcare
AI applications built using Snorkel Flow create speed, ease, and accuracy for your healthcare needs with custom cutting-edge models and expertise. Rapid results, for a fraction of the cost.
Improving patient outcomes
Analyze patient health records to detect anomalies and find potentially problematic medical conditions, as well as assist diagnosis and treatment recommendations.
Claims processing
Identify entities in patient records and recognize insured persons, loss amount, and policyholder information to process claims faster or monitor potentially spurious claim behavior to detect subrogation claims.
Enhancing research
Automate data extraction from clinical trial records for digital pathology, classify medical papers by topic to improve research access, and classify patient records to identify actionable clinical trial candidates.
Clinical trial analytics
Extract key invaluable data from clinical trials and patient records, assisting with trial design, optimization, site selection, and patient recruiting.
AI data development resources for healthcare
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