Machine Learning Whiteboard (MLW) Open-source Series Earlier this year, we started our machine learning whiteboard (MLW) series, an open-invite space to brainstorm ideas and discuss the latest papers, techniques, and workflows in the AI space. We emphasize an informal and open environment to everyone interested in learning about machine learning.In this episode, our Co-founder and Head of Technology. Braden Hancock…
In this episode of Science Talks, Frederic Sala – an assistant professor of Computer Science at the University of Wisconsin Madison and a research scientist at Snorkel discusses his path into machine learning, the central thesis that ties together his multidisciplinary research, his thoughts on the future of weak supervision, as well as his decision to go into academia.
Impractical ML assumptions are made every day in research, which limit its adoption. In the real world, these assumptions do not hold up. Learn more about how to avoid making these assumptions about AI application development.
In this episode of Science Talks, Sebastian Ruder, Research Scientist at DeepMind, shares his thoughts on making AI practical with Snorkel AI’s Braden Hancock. This conversation covers progress made in the NLP domain with emerging research, new benchmarks like SuperGLUE, rich repositories and news sources that keep you in the loop and on top of what’s new in NLP, and more.
In this episode of ScienceTalks, Snorkel AI’s Braden Hancock Hugging Face’s Chief Science Officer, Thomas Wolf. Thomas shares his story about how he got into machine learning and discusses important design decisions behind the widely adopted Transformers library, as well as the challenges of bringing research projects into production. ScienceTalks is an interview series from Snorkel AI, highlighting some of the best work and ideas to make AI practical.