Fine-tune and distill LLMs for enterprise AI and specialized tasks

Accelerate the curation of high-quality training data and deliver smaller, specialized LLMs which meet production accuracy requirements as well as ethical standards, company policies, and industry regulations.

Curate training data faster and deliver highly accurate LLMs for enterprise AI use cases


Streamline SME & data scientist collaboration

Replace spreadsheet passing with a unified platform which makes it easy for SMEs to share domain knowledge, help establish ground truth, and provide feedback.


Break through data labeling bottlenecks

Label thousands of prompt-response pairs in minutes by encoding SME acceptance criteria in labeling functions and applying them to an entire dataset immediately.


Improve the accuracy of specialized LLMs

Identify both ground truth and training data errors using built-in error analysis tools to iterate quickly, and improve the response accuracy of specialized LLMs.

Why enterprise AI applications need specialized LLMs

While foundational models are easy to get started with and can perform a broad range of common tasks, they lack the domain knowledge needed to perform specialized tasks with enough accuracy for production deployment. However, fine-tuning smaller models with high-quality training data produces smaller, specialized LLMs which are not only more accurate, but less expensive to run.

Build smaller, specialized LLMs to increase accuracy, improve performance, and reduce inference costs


Curate high-quality training data faster

Create a diverse set of prompt-response pairs by combining SME domain knowledge with foundation models and synthetic data generation, quickly generating labels for all of them (e.g., accept/reject or rank), and using the highest-quality pairs for LLM fine-tuning and alignment.

Incorporate SME feedback effortlessly

Collaborate with subject matter experts using a single platform to create ground truth based on domain knowledge and human feedback, and to iterate on test, validation, and training datasets by refining labeling logic to further improve label accuracy.


Fine-tune and deploy specialized LLMs

After curating high-quality training data, use it to fine-tune and deploy specialized LLMs by taking advantage of native integration with Databricks Data Intelligence Platform (i.e., Mosaic AI and Unity Catalog) and AWS SageMaker, Google Vertex AI, and Azure Machine Learning.

LLM fine-tuning for enterprise AI

Keep enterprise data private and secure

Avoid leaking sensitive and/or private company data with foundation model providers by using enterprise data to train and serve smaller, specialized models, ensuring your data remains your differentiator.

Apply the latest LLM fine-tuning techniques

Incorporate learnings shared by Snorkel AI research scientists and applied ML engineers, from new distillation methods and enterprise alignment techniques to hybrid SME- and LLM-based taxonomy creation.

Evaluate LLM
accuracy at every step

Take advantage of built-in, customizable LLM evaluation capabilities to measure accuracy in domain-specific contexts, and to understand where a model may require additional training data and why.

Fine-tune and align state-of-the-art foundation models
