Request your free Snorkel Custom LLM Evaluation


Request a free, custom LLM evaluation from Snorkel AI

To ship LLMs with confidence, enterprises need custom evaluations that are purpose-built for their domains and use cases. As a result, Snorkel AI is offering select organizations a complimentary LLM evaluation, powered by Snorkel’s programmatic data development technology.

  • Specialized - We capture and apply your unique enterprise knowledge and acceptance criteria to deliver a purpose-built evaluation
  • Fine-grained - We go beyond coarse-grained metrics by measuring performance over business-critical data slices (i.e. subsets representing tasks, topics, languages)
  • Scalable - We evaluate your LLM responses with a hybrid manual / programmatic approach for greater speed, scale, and accuracy

Upon completion of the complimentary evaluation, a report will be delivered with the following:

  • An accuracy score for your custom LLM model
  • Accuracy scores for use-case / domain-specific slices
  • Recommendations for improving LLM metrics (e.g. accuracy)
  • Options for lowering inference cost

Please fill out the form to request a free, custom LLM evaluation.

Request your Complimentary LLM Evaluation

Receive a custom generative AI model in 12 weeks!

Space in the LLM evaluation program is limited and subject to approval.

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