Main takeaways from The Future of Data-Centric AI Event
We recently hosted The Future of Data-Centric AI, where academia, research, and industry experts and practitioners came together to discuss the shift from model-centric AI development to data-centric AI and what lies ahead. This post gives you a quick overview of the event and top takeaways from over eight hours of insightful presentations. But first, I want to thank our presenters: Alex Ratner, Anima Anandkumar, Andrew Ng, Chris Re, Ce Zhang, Chelsea Finn, Darío García-García, Imen Grida Ben Yahia, James Zou, Justin Gottschlich, Michael DAndrea, Roshni Malani, Sharon Li, Skip McCormick, and Xu Chu. We also want to thank all the attendees who took part in the discussion and helped us make this community event a big success.Top Takeaways:
- Data-centric AI is being applied in real-world settings and yields results, as we saw in Imen and Michael, Justin, and Andrew’s presentations.
- There is significant research being carried out on Data-centric AI, some that you heard from James, Sharon, Ce, and Chelsea, and we have been doing as well with our research team.
- Data-centric AI, along with an SME collaboration and programmatic labeling, makes AI practical.
If you’d like to continue to get updated on what we are doing at Snorkel AI, our focus on data-centric AI, and to continue to explore the community-focused shift that data has to be a first-class core citizen for AI workflows, please consider signing up for the Snorkel AI community.Below is the complete event stream with link tags for each talk:
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