Archana Sapkota

Archana Sapkota

Title: ML Manager
Company: Wayfair

Archana is an ML manager at Wayfair. She leads automation of catalog tagging to make sure the information about products in the catalog is rich and clean—a crucial task to help customers find what they are looking for via search, filter, recommendation, etc. She has also led projects to provide personalized experiences to customers by providing visual similarity-based recommendation and browsing experiences. Within Wayfair, she is recognized as an expert in computer vision.

The latest from
Archana Sapkota

How Wayfair built better, faster catalog tagging with Snorkel Flow

The following was originally published on Wayfair’s tech blog. We have cross-posted it here, edited only to fit Snorkel’s formatting guidelines. — One of our missions at Wayfair is to help our 22 million customers find the products they are looking for. For example, when a customer searches for a “modern yellow sofa” on Wayfair, we want to show the most…

August 22, 2023

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